Coaching for Men
Be as successful in relationships
as you are in business.

Ready to work on you?
You Came to the Right Place!
YOU have decided it’s time to take RESPONSIBILITY for your own life. Good for you! I applaud your courage my brother.
We specialize in counseling for men’s issues like relationships, marriage, parenting and growing in your career.
Great Relationships Start with Growing Men.
You need coaching that’s both SAFE and APPEALING for you, that won’t compromise your masculinity. We offer coaching for men utilizing a “Man-Friendly” approach designed to help individuals and couples connect, grow, and solve the ongoing relational problems that continuously drain the love out of their relationship. We will help you learn (and effectively use) the tools needed for effective communication and problem solving.
Every great team has a great coach.
When men come into my office, here are the things I hear from then: they feel stuck, blamed, shame and failure, and anger. Unfortunately, regular “mental health counseling” approaches often lead us men to feel more of the same, leading us to shut down even further (or get angry).
We approach you differently! We will help you (and the woman who loves you) get back on the same team…Think of us as your Team’s Coach. What GREAT TEAM hasn’t had a GREAT COACH?
Strong Husbands Built Here
Men come to Experience Hope Counseling to engage in our “Strong Husbands” program by themselves, or with their partner (sometimes, their partners even come by themselves first).
What goals are you ready to accomplish now? Don’t hesitate any longer…It takes COURAGE and you’ve definitely got what it takes. Contact me, let’s chat.

Are you ready to grow?

My name is Tim Shetter
I am a men’s coach and a marriage coach in Greeley Colorado. As a relationship and marriage expert, I help couples “Bulletproof” their marriages. Trained in the art and science of Marriage and Family Therapy, I am passionate about helping couples intentionally connect with each other and those around them in powerful and life giving ways.
If you’d like to “Bulletproof Your Marriage,” or work on growing yourself, I invite you to contact me now. Why wait?
I am ready to help you invest in your relationships for a lifetime of joy and fulfillment!